First, it is a big surprise that more than 6000 people [mostly from JVV] have graced this site by their visit. A big thank you.
Now, the history. A couple of 'seasons' back, there was a 'big storm' that JVV BOM had to spend a considerable sum in the persuit for having a website for JVV, when ADDA was chosen. I was aghast to learn that we spent money for having a website [one that caters to housing society like ours] when similar services in the form of offering websites/blogs was available for free. With a catch, of course. They offered the services 'free' with their ads . Also, the main 'controls' - admin was with the host with a partial control - moderators -being given.
Having been a sort of 'veteran' in having and maintaining many blogs and websites (one of the websites has attracted more than 1,76,000 visitors, indeed a good number, to say the least, without being modest), I chose to create websites, call them weblogs if you want, named them Jal Vayu Vihar both in wordpress and blogger, the two most widely preferred portals. Filled them up with a few posts, photos of the then BOM and, what I thought, was some useful tel numbers and 'humour' - the much missed element in JVV. Also, ensured is that we can have some posts and pages hidden from the 'general public' by means of pass word protection. This could be useful if BOM wanted to sort out certain issues internally or meant for only a 'select few'. I was convinced that whatever ADDA & FLOOR offered could be obtained for ABSOLUTELY FREE with FULL ADMIN CONTROL . No forced ads. What is more, in blogger we can incorporate Google Adsense and EARN money for JVV. Yes earn and NOT SPEND.
The, then President and Secretary were keen, though the treasurer was dead against my proposal, and even a presentation was given by me. But, since we live in a 'tuglak raj', a website committee was formed again and the 'COMPUTER' Professor was asked to give a presentation. Though I was supposed to be part of that 'empowered committee', I was not given any information or shown any courtesy in the formation . As the third member of that committee felt I was short changed.
Any way to cut the story short, Common Floor was chosen on my request [I was amused to see the claim of the professor that 'HE CHOSE CF' - may be professors are absent minded?] and for some time I was the moderator for common floor JVV PORTAL. But within a short time, some in JVV, were, being seasoned politicians, very angry as they felt their 'power is being eroded'. And, in typical 'Indian Style' ensured that I was taken off as the moderator since I ensured that moderation was not meant to post only one sided 'palatable to power centers' views.
I made a few modifications and 'makeups' to the 'unofficial' Jal Vayu Vihar weblogs but did not delete them. Now I realise that these sites still attract visitors.
One of the main reasons for me to write this post is after seeing the complaint that both ex and present JVVians are still receiving 'the long tailed' emails even after opting out and thus being harassed. This happens simply because, Common Floor, in its own wisdom feels that NO MORE EMAIL option is NO OPTION at all. While, it is a minor admin issue to incorporate 'unsubscribe option' in the emails sent to all, I am not sure whether all of us still want the common floor ads thrust down our throats. Or, for that matter do we still have to stay with common floor till our dying days?
Why not have our own JVV Website for absolutely free with full admin control where the moderator can be the president / secretary / treasurer or anyone chosen by the BOM? I will be too happy to make one of the existing Jalvayu Vihar websites in wordpress and blogger as the official website if BOM so desires.
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